Your whole home water filtration system is designed to ensure that every drop of water flowing into your home is clean and safe. However, there may be times when you need to bypass the system temporarily, such as when filling a swimming pool, performing maintenance, or for any other reason that requires unfiltered water. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to safely bypass your whole home water filter using the three valves typically found in these systems.

Before we begin, it’s essential to understand that bypassing your filtration system should only be done when necessary, and it’s crucial to return to filtered water as soon as your temporary needs are met.

The below video demonstrates how you can bypass your system.

Why Bypass Your Whole Home Water Filter? There are a few situations where bypassing your home water filtration system may be necessary:

  1. Filling a Swimming Pool: Pool water doesn’t need to be filtered, and running it through your filtration system can clog the filters quickly. Bypassing ensures faster pool filling.
  2. System Maintenance: If you’re performing maintenance or replacing filter cartridges, bypassing the system allows you to work without disturbing the filtration process.
  3. Non-Potable Water Needs: For tasks like watering the garden or cleaning the driveway, unfiltered water can be used, saving your filtered water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.

Now, let’s proceed with the steps to bypass your whole home water filter.

Step 1: Locate the Bypass Valves Most whole home water filtration systems have three valves that control the flow of water: the inlet valve, the outlet valve, and the bypass valve. These valves are usually located near the filter housing and are labeled accordingly.

Step 2: Close the Inlet and Outlet Valves Start by turning off the inlet and outlet valves. These valves control the flow of water into and out of the filter. Turning them off will isolate the filter from the rest of your plumbing system.

Step 3: Open the Bypass Valve Next, open the bypass valve. This valve is designed to allow water to flow directly through it without passing through the filter media. By opening the bypass valve, you are effectively allowing unfiltered water to flow through your plumbing system.

Step 4: Check for Leaks Inspect the valves and the surrounding area for any signs of leaks. If you notice any leaks, make sure the valves are fully closed or tightened, as needed.

Step 5: Begin Your Task With the bypass valve open and the inlet and outlet valves closed, you can now use unfiltered water for your specific task, whether it’s filling a swimming pool, performing maintenance, or any other temporary need.

Bypassing your whole home water filter is a straightforward process that allows you to use unfiltered water for specific tasks while preserving the integrity of your filtration system. Remember to return your system to its regular filtration mode as soon as your temporary needs are met to ensure that your home continues to receive clean and safe water. Properly maintaining and using your whole home water filter ensures the ongoing health and well-being of your household.